Bold statement, I hate nonprofits

Bold statement from a friend

Over a cocktail, my friend Renee, a highly educated and successful business woman confessed “I hate nonprofits.” This was a bold statement, given she was telling someone who has dedicated more than two decades to serving the industry. “Why?” I responded. Poor management, insulting compensation, lack of progress… there was more but I’ll stop here. I wasn’t surprised. Many of my colleagues have left the sector for the same reasons. And bright, educated and ambitious young professionals resist entering the nonprofit sector because of the same.

This struggle is a reality, but it is one we can change. There are a multitude of organizations that are getting it right that we can learn from. Having been fortunate to work with many impactful nonprofits, I have dedicated my career to coaching nonprofits on strategies to cut through barriers to profitable fundraising, effective marketing, staff longevity, and impactful outcomes.

With the growing issues affecting our society, the relevance of nonprofit mission work is more important now than ever. We need to elevate the impact of that work sooner than later. The Center for Community Impact supports charities, donors, businesses and volunteers who are serious about overcoming nonprofit barriers to social impact. With research-based methods, decades of experience, passion for the cause, an “everything is “figure-outable” spirit, and customized coaching, the Center for Community Impact helps solve our community’s pressing issues and is a partner in generating lasting impact.

I am interested to connect with anyone who is doing similar work to build relationships with like-minded individuals and share knowledge.